The Old Woman

The Old Woman

Standing still at the stop
The old woman tripped
I reached out a tentative hand
She had a firm grip
“Thank you” she said

We stood side by side in the little shade
Watched as the mid-day heat relented
And birds took to the skies
She said nothing
Neither did I

Her silence spoke to me
Of a long life
Of happiness, sadness
Of disaster and redemption
Of failure and success
Of possibilities unencumbered by age

The next bus went nowhere I cared for
She got on the bus.
“Thank You” I said.


A Greek evening

A Greek evening

Tis early eve
Thor’s hammer crashes overhead
Loki is playing with the lights
The Autumn leaves are fallen
They swirl softly beneath my feet
I see nothing.

My thoughts have taken wings
to roam the sky
in the fast approaching dusk
I think of you;
of beauty;
of God wielding the artist’s brush

Am I in your dreams?

27/07/2002 00:43AM (midnight – sad that history is repeating itself)