Solaris 10 x86 VM running on Qemu hypervisor on an Ubuntu host

Solaris 10 VM on QEMU running on a Ubuntu host

- Login to the Ubuntu host and install QEMU:

root@ip-172-31-23-252:~# apt update -y
root@ip-172-31-23-252:~# apt install -y gcc make ninja-build
root@ip-172-31-23-252:~# wget
root@ip-172-31-23-252:~# tar xvf qemu-7.2.0.tar.xz
root@ip-172-31-23-252:~# cd qemu-7.2.0/
root@ip-172-31-23-252:~/qemu-7.2.0# apt install libglib2.0-dev
root@ip-172-31-23-252:~/qemu-7.2.0# apt-get install -y libpixman-1-dev
root@ip-172-31-23-252:~/qemu-7.2.0# apt install ncurses-dev
root@ip-172-31-23-252:~/qemu-7.2.0# ./configure
root@ip-172-31-23-252:~# make
root@ip-172-31-23-252:~# make install

- Setup Networking (tap2 will be the NIC of the Solaris VM):
root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip# ip tuntap add tap2 mode tap  &&  ip link set dev tap2 up

- Setup the host for routing (including Internet access from the Solaris VM). IP address will be assigned to the Solaris VM.
NOTE: it might be better to put this in a start-up script so it "permanent".
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/tap2/proxy_arp
ip route add dev tap2
arp -Ds eth0 pub
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
iptables -I FORWARD 1 -i tap2 -j ACCEPT
iptables -I FORWARD 1 -o tap2 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

- Create VM disk:
root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip# mkdir -p /wip/sol10x86
root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip# cd /wip/sol10x86
root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip/sol10x86# qemu-img create -f qcow2 solaris-disk-amd64.img 10G

root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip/sol10x86# wget,8_11/sol-10-u10-ga2-x86-dvd.iso

- Create and Start the VM booting from the DVD (QEMU launches a VNC server running on for example):
root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip/sol10x86# qemu-system-x86_64 -name s10qemu -m 4G -cdrom sol-10-u10-ga2-x86-dvd.iso -boot d -hda solaris-disk-amd64.img -net nic,model=e1000,macaddr=7a:30:2a:cd:d0:1c -net tap,script=no,ifname=tap2,downscript=no

- for Solaris 11, boot from CDROM ISO file sol-11_4-text-x86.iso instead of sol-10-u10-ga2-x86-dvd.iso
- use the MAC address of the tap2 NIC ("ip a") in the qemu-system-x86_64 command when starting the VM
- use putty to connect to the Ubuntu host while setting up tunnelling on 5900 (5900 on the Windows client tunneled to on the remote Ubuntu host)
- use real VNC (or tigerVNC) to connect to the VM's console and install solaris 10
- if setting up network, you MUST assign a gateway e.g.,, otherwise networking doesn't work in the VM
- it will reboot to the install DVD. shutdown the VM ( e.g., CTRL+Z to kill the qemu-system-x86_64 process on the Ubuntu host). For Solaris 11, choose to halt the system at the end of the installation (instead of reboot) then shutdown the VM ( e.g., CTRL+Z to kill the qemu-system-x86_64 process on the Ubuntu host).

- boot VM from O/S disk with networking:
//root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip# ip tuntap add tap2 mode tap  &&  ip link set dev tap2 up
root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip# qemu-system-x86_64 -name s10qemu -m 4G -hda solaris-disk-amd64.img -net nic,model=e1000,macaddr=7a:30:2a:cd:d0:1c -net tap,script=no,ifname=tap2,downscript=no

- Connect via VNC client, login to the GUI desktop (choose Java Desktop or CDE) with root and password supplied during install, 

- shutdown the system e.g., from the terminal (Applications > Utilities) run "shutdown -y -g0 -i0"

- take a snapshot of the O/S disk for backup purposes:
# qemu-img create -f qcow2 -b solaris-disk-amd64.img -F qcow2 solaris-disk-amd64.snap.img 5G

- boot VM from O/S disk with networking:
root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip# qemu-system-x86_64 -name s10qemu -m 4G -hda solaris-disk-amd64.img -net nic,model=e1000,macaddr=7a:30:2a:cd:d0:1c -net tap,script=no,ifname=tap2,downscript=no
NOTE: add the --daemonize to detach the running VM from the host bash session. This is a good way to start the VM once you can access it via SSH.

- Disable the GUI/desktop (graphic environment) since I chose to manage the system remotely using SSH. Note that Solaris 11 boots to run-level 3 so no need to disable the desktop.
# svcadm disable cde-login   
(older Solaris version may use the command "/usr/dt/bin/dtconfig -d")

- Add a user for remote SSH connection (itababa/James007!)
# useradd itababa
# password itababa

- SSH connection from host to Solaris VM (can't use root by default unless you reconfigure SSHD on the Solaris to "PermitRootLogin")
root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip/sol10x86# ssh -oKexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1  -o HostKeyAlgorithms=ssh-rsa itababa@

- you can make the above connection options permanent by editing the SSH client configuration file on the host/client and adding a line to it such as the following. (Once done, you can connect to the Solaris VM with "ssh itababa@" for example):
root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip/sol10x86# vi $HOME/.ssh/config
    KexAlgorithms +diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
	HostKeyAlgorithms ssh-rsa


- Configure the network interface e1000g0 (in Solaris 11, the interface is called net0 instead of e1000g0)

1. Edit /etc/hostname.e1000g0 and add the IP address and Netmask:
# echo " netmask" > /etc/hostname.e1000g0

2. Add the IP-address/hostname entry to file /etc/inet/hosts :
# echo " `hostname`" >> /etc/inet/hosts

3. Add the default router/gateway:
# echo "" > /etc/defaultrouter

4. Bring up the NIC in the current running session:
# ifconfig e1000g0 plumb
# ifconfig e1000g0 netmask up
# route add default -ifp e1000g0

6. Configure DNS
# echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf
# vi /etc/nsswitch.conf  (change the line "hosts:     files" to "hosts:     files dns")


Unable to successfully installing Solaris 10/11 SPARC:
- Solaris 10 boots but has no keyboard input so unable to actually install. Solaris 11 doesn't boot at all.

NOTE: For Solaris 11 x86, be sure to add a user account/password aside the root user during the installation as you can't login directly using the root account from the console. 



Some commands:

- to disable sound and set the language e.g., launch with:
LC_ALL=C QEMU_AUDIO_DRV=none qemu-system-sparc -m 256 -cdrom ...

- to use terminal install, add the "-nographic" option which prevents QEMU from creating a VNC listener

- Create a snapshot of the AIX O/S disk for backup purposes:
qemu-img create -f qcow2 -b sol10hdisk.qcow2 -F qcow2 sol10hdisk.snap.qcow2 5G

- How to disable the graphic environment, this can be done with that command: "/usr/dt/bin/dtconfig -d" or better with latest Solaris 10: "svcadm disable cde-login".

- Halt the VM:  # shutdown -y -g0 -i0

Keyboard not working as expected in QEMU? When starting QEMU just pass these flags to give yourself a USB keyboard and mouse:
-usb -device usb-mouse -device usb-kbd  -device usb-tablet
You may also try the flag for some ppc/sparc ( ):  -prom-env 'input-device=hvterm'

// qemu-system-arm -M overo -m 256 -sd ./test.img -clock unix -serial stdio -device usb-mouse -device usb-kbd
// -vga [std|cirrus|vmware|qxl|xenfb|tcx|cg3|virtio|none]

- remove a tap device from a master
root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip/sol10x86# ip link set dev tap2 nomaster

Download Solaris 11:
Download Solaris 11:,8_11/
Solaris 10 Network Config


This procedure documents setting up the latest available QEMU on Ubuntu in order to run an AIX v7.2 VM.
Most of the steps are from

The host in this case is an AWS t3.xlarge compute instance running Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)
I also attached a secondary EBS volume (55G) to the instance which I mounted on /wip and where I stored all the relevant files.

- Login to the Ubuntu host and install QEMU:

root@ip-172-31-23-252:~# apt update -y
root@ip-172-31-23-252:~# apt install -y gcc make ninja-build
root@ip-172-31-23-252:~# wget
root@ip-172-31-23-252:~# tar xvf qemu-7.2.0.tar.xz
root@ip-172-31-23-252:~# cd qemu-7.2.0/
root@ip-172-31-23-252:~/qemu-7.2.0# apt install libglib2.0-dev
root@ip-172-31-23-252:~/qemu-7.2.0# apt-get install -y libpixman-1-dev
root@ip-172-31-23-252:~/qemu-7.2.0# apt install ncurses-dev
root@ip-172-31-23-252:~/qemu-7.2.0# ./configure
// ALTERNATIVELY - build only PPC64 support: # ./configure --target-list=ppc64-softmmu --enable-curses --disable-gtk && make
root@ip-172-31-23-252:~# make
root@ip-172-31-23-252:~# make install

- Partition the secondary volume and format the file system:

root@ip-172-31-23-252:~# lsblk
loop0          7:0    0 24.4M  1 loop /snap/amazon-ssm-agent/6312
loop1          7:1    0 55.6M  1 loop /snap/core18/2632
loop2          7:2    0 63.2M  1 loop /snap/core20/1695
loop3          7:3    0  103M  1 loop /snap/lxd/23541
loop4          7:4    0 49.6M  1 loop /snap/snapd/17883
nvme0n1      259:0    0    8G  0 disk
├─nvme0n1p1  259:1    0  7.9G  0 part /
├─nvme0n1p14 259:2    0    4M  0 part
└─nvme0n1p15 259:3    0  106M  0 part /boot/efi
nvme1n1      259:4    0   55G  0 disk
root@ip-172-31-23-252:~# fdisk /dev/nvme1n1
root@ip-172-31-23-252:~# partprobe
root@ip-172-31-23-252:~# mkfs -t ext4  /dev/nvme1n1p1
root@ip-172-31-23-252:~# blkid
/dev/nvme0n1p1: LABEL="cloudimg-rootfs" UUID="687fab62-1ba5-4282-890e-9266064f7d27" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="895d8984-5441-4c70-b87c-a6b6ebb8c95e"
/dev/nvme0n1p15: LABEL_FATBOOT="UEFI" LABEL="UEFI" UUID="B2B4-82AC" BLOCK_SIZE="512" TYPE="vfat" PARTUUID="0cf1c52c-98f5-48ae-8a07-fff782190e30"
/dev/loop0: TYPE="squashfs"
/dev/nvme1n1p1: UUID="a5051753-344e-43da-ba1f-cc785cab98b0" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="d816173f-01"
root@ip-172-31-23-252:~# vi /etc/fstab
root@ip-172-31-23-252:~# grep wip /etc/fstab
UUID="a5051753-344e-43da-ba1f-cc785cab98b0"  /wip  ext4  defaults 0 0
root@ip-172-31-23-252:~# mkdir /wip
root@ip-172-31-23-252:~# mount /wip

- Copy the AIX v7.2 ISO files to the Ubuntu instance. Please ensure you get it from a legal source.

root@ip-172-31-23-252:~# cd /wip
root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip# mkdir AIX72ISOs
root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip# cd AIX72ISOs/
root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip/AIX72ISOs# scp -i ~/.ssh/wipalinux ubuntu@ .

- Create a disk for the AIX VM:
root@ip-172-31-23-252:~# cd /wip/
root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip# qemu-img create -f qcow2 hdisk0.qcow2 20G

- Install AIX (you can change install settings e.g., to include SSH client and server). The installation tool approx 110 mins 
root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip# qemu-system-ppc64 -cpu POWER8 -machine pseries -m 4096 -serial stdio -drive file=hdisk0.qcow2,if=none,id=drive-virtio-disk0 -device virtio-scsi-pci,id=scsi -device scsi-hd,drive=drive-virtio-disk0 -cdrom /wip/AIX72ISOs/aix_7200-04-02-2027_1of2_072020.iso -prom-env "boot-command=boot cdrom:"

   - NOTE: the VM will get stuck in a reboot loop at the end of installation. Use CTRL+C to terminate the VM
- Fix/solve the fsck64 issue to fix the reboot loop by booting the VM into maintenance mode:
root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip# qemu-system-ppc64 -cpu POWER8 -machine pseries -m 4096 -serial stdio -drive file=hdisk0.qcow2,if=none,id=drive-virtio-disk0 -device virtio-scsi-pci,id=scsi -device scsi-hd,drive=drive-virtio-disk0 -cdrom /wip/AIX72ISOs/aix_7200-04-02-2027_1of2_072020.iso -prom-env "boot-command=boot cdrom:"
   - menu options to select:  1 to "define the System Console" > 1 for English > 3 for Maintenance mode > 1 to access root VG > 0 to continue > 1 to select VG/disk > 1 to "Access this Volume Group and start a shell"
  - NOTE: no keyboard BACKSPACE key, and don't use CTRL+C as that terminates the VM.

  # cd /sbin/helpers/jfs2
  # cp fsck64

  - truncate the fsck64 exeutable binary file and replace content with shell script
  # > fsck64
  # cat > fsck64 << EOF
  exit 0
  # cat fsck64
  exit 0

  - Alternative to the cat sequence above is to edit the fsck64 file after truncating it and add the 2 lines to the file:
  # > fsck64
  # export TERM=vt100
  # vi fsck64
  # cat fsck64
  exit 0

  - Shutdown the VM:
  # sync; sync
  # halt

- Create a snapshot of the AIX O/S disk for backup purposes:
root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip# qemu-img create -f qcow2 -b hdisk0.qcow2 -F qcow2 hdisk0.snap.qcow2 10G

- Boot the VM to AIX O/S 7.2 using the O/S disk, and accept license (I excluded cdrom since I no longer need it):
root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip# qemu-system-ppc64 -cpu POWER8 -machine pseries -m 4096 -serial stdio -drive file=hdisk0.qcow2,if=none,id=drive-virtio-disk0 -device virtio-scsi-pci,id=scsi -device scsi-hd,drive=drive-virtio-disk0 -prom-env "boot-command=boot disk:"
   - choose vt100 (type it and press ENTER) when prompted for terminal type
   - choose to accept the license (default is no, press TAB key to change it to yes) then ENTER to accept
   - Esc+0 (hold down ESC then press 0) to go back
   - accept the software maintenance terms/conditions
   - Esc+0 (hold down ESC then press 0) to go back
   - Set any of the additional settings as required (date/time; root password; etc)
   - Option "Tasks completed - Exit to Login"
   - Login as root on the console (prompt)
- Fix the RPM DB error:
# cd /opt/freeware
# tar -chvf `date +"%d%m%Y"`.rpm.packages.tar packages
# rm -f /opt/freeware/packages/__*
# /usr/bin/rpm --rebuilddb
# /usr/bin/rpm -qa

- Setup networking:
    - in this example, we assign IP address to AIX and to the bridge we defined on the Ubuntu host.

- Setup a bridge (br0) on the Ubuntu host:
    root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip# apt-get install bridge-utils
    root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip# mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/qemu
    root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip# echo "allow br0" > /usr/local/etc/qemu/bridge.conf
    NOTE: you can put the following network-related commands a single script that you can just run as a single command
    root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip# ip link add name br0 type bridge
    root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip# ip link set dev br0 up
    root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip# ip addr add dev br0

- Setup the tap NIC for the AIX VM:
    root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip# ip tuntap add tap0 mode tap
    root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip# ip link set dev tap0 up
    root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip# ip link set dev tap0 master br0

    NOTE: tap0 interface comes up when the VM is started

- Setup the Ubuntu host for routing (including Internet access from the AIX VM):
    root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/tap0/proxy_arp
    root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip# ip route add dev tap0
    root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip# arp -Ds eth0 pub
    root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
    root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip# iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
    root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip# iptables -I FORWARD 1 -i tap0 -j ACCEPT
    root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip# iptables -I FORWARD 1 -o tap0 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

- Start the AIX VM normally (assign a randomly selected MAC address to the VM's NIC):
root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip# qemu-system-ppc64 -cpu POWER8 -machine pseries -m 4096 -serial stdio -drive file=hdisk0.qcow2,if=none,id=drive-virtio-disk0 -device virtio-scsi-pci,id=scsi -device scsi-hd,drive=drive-virtio-disk0 -prom-env "boot-command=boot disk:" -net nic,macaddr=be:16:43:37:16:ec -net tap,script=no,ifname=tap0,downscript=no

- Assign the IP address to the en0 NIC in AIX  (use SMIT to make it permanent)
# chdev -l en0 -a netaddr= -a netmask= -a state=up

- Make the IP assignment permanent with SMIT (assign any IP on the same network as the gateway e.g.,
# smit tcpip > Min Config & Startup > en0 > (setup hostname/netmask/IP/nameserver & domain name & gateway e.g., aix7vm/ & > "START Now" = yes (TAB key to change it) then ENTER key to execute the change
   NOTE: the name server (e.g., Google's DNS server) and a domain name MUST be provided if you decide to set the name server.

- Install BASH shell in AIX VM (bash is easier to use than the default Korn shell):

- increase /opt as the bash instal requires about 40MB space:
# chfs -a size=+60M /opt

# wget
# wget
# wget
# wget
# rpm -ivh bash_5_0_8_aix5_1_ppc.rpm gettext_0_19_8_1_1_aix5_1_ppc.rpm libiconv_1_16_1_aix5_1_ppc.rpm libgcc_6_3_0_1_aix7_2_ppc.rpm

- In AIX, after installing bash, "authorize" AIX to allow bash shell to run:
# export TERM=vt100
   - Edit file /etc/security/login.cfg, append "/usr/bin/bash" (without the double quotes)  to the line containing "shells ="
   - Edit file /etc/shells, append this on a new line "/usr/bin/bash" (without the double quotes)

--------------- END OF PROCEDURE ---------------

- Extra step in order to access the AIX VM using SSH from outside the Ubuntu host (particularly useful if you are using the "--daemonize" headless option when starting the AIX VM):
Summary is to use iptables to redirect incoming attempts to connect to the Ubuntu instance on some alternate port (e.g., 2222/tcp) to port 22 on the AIX VM. Note that you also need to allow incoming traffic on this alternate port in your AWS/OCI/GCP VPC/subnet using the relevant security group rule.

root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip# iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 2222 -j ACCEPT
root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip# iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 2222 -j DNAT --to-destination

You can then connect to the AIX with putty (Ubuntu IP address and port 2222) or using SSH with a command such as: ssh root@<ubuntu-ip> -p 2222

Run AIX 7.2 on x86 with QEMU
RPM DB_RUNRECOVERY errors: How to resolve - download RPMs for various packages - Some useful commands: # qemu-system-ppc64 ... -daemonize (to run the VM in "headless" mode so access it using SSH). If you use this option, delete the "-serial stdio" from the command. QEMU starts the VM and gives a message such as "VNC server running on" so you can use VNC to manage the VM as well. root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip# mount -o loop /wip/bash51-aix71.iso /iso root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip# ip link set dev br0 down root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip# ip link delete dev br0 root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip# ip a # mount -vcdrfs -oro /dev/cd0 /mnt # entstat -d en0 | grep -i hard Hardware Address: be:16:43:37:16:ec #aix# chsh <username> /bin/bash logout from session, after AIX shutdown is possible using "~~.", same as in HMC console root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip# apt install -y genisoimage root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip# mkisofs -max-iso9660-filenames -o bash50.iso ./bash50 - boot the AIX with the ISO image containing the bash rpm package; qemu-system-ppc64 -cpu POWER8 -machine pseries -m 4096 -serial stdio -drive file=hdisk0.qcow2,if=none,id=drive-virtio-disk0 -device virtio-scsi-pci,id=scsi -device scsi-hd,drive=drive-virtio-disk0 -prom-env "boot-command=boot disk:" -net nic,macaddr=be:16:43:37:16:ec -net tap,script=no,ifname=tap0 -cdrom /wip/bash50.iso - Some notes: "make" of QEMU took about 85 mins on t3.xlarge when compiling all supported platforms, but under 10 mins when compiling for ppc64 support only) ensure you have plenty of space for the compiler. qemu-7.2.0.tar.xz is 117M, extracted folder qemu-7.2.0 is 799M, compiled, the extracted folder goes to almost 6GB! if you didn't include the ssh client/server during the installation, you will need to start the VM with the ISO image inserted in the CDROM so you can install them. - Optionally disable some un-needed services to speed up the boot process: - edit file /etc/rc.tcpip and comment out # some services if not required e.g., sendmail, snmpd, hostmibd, snmpmibd, aixmibd (look for lines similar to: start /usr/sbin/aixmibd "$src_running") - to disable the NFSD server, edit file /etc/rc.nfs and comment out the line: start biod /usr/sbin/biod - you may use the "stopsrc -s <service-name>" command to shut them down in the current session as well. - Optionally disable additional services defined in the /etc/inittab file to make subsequent boot ups faster (using the following commands): # rmitab rcnfs # rmitab cron # rmitab piobe # rmitab qdaemon # rmitab writesrv # rmitab naudio2 # rmitab naudio # rmitab aso # rmitab clcomd # chrctcp -S -d tftpd
- The networking setup, and AIX VM launch command scripts (execute the network script before the AIX VM launch script so that the VM will have network access):

root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip# cat

#- Setup the tap NIC for the AIX VM:
ip tuntap add tap0 mode tap
ip link set dev tap0 up

#NOTE: tap0 interface comes up when the VM is started:

#- Setup the host for routing (including Internet access from the AIX VM):
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/tap0/proxy_arp
ip route add dev tap0
arp -Ds eth0 pub
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
iptables -I FORWARD 1 -i tap0 -j ACCEPT
iptables -I FORWARD 1 -o tap0 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

#- Setup port forwarding so that the AIX VM is accessible remotely:
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 2222 -j ACCEPT
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 2222 -j DNAT --to-destination

root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip# cat

/usr/local/bin/qemu-system-ppc64 -cpu POWER8 -machine pseries -m 4096 -drive file=hdisk0.qcow2,if=none,id=drive-virtio-disk0 -device virtio-scsi-pci,id=scsi -device scsi-hd,drive=drive-virtio-disk0 -prom-env "boot-command=boot disk:" -net nic,macaddr=be:16:43:37:16:ec -net tap,script=no,ifname=tap0,downscript=no --daemonize
#/usr/local/bin/qemu-system-ppc64 -cpu POWER8 -machine pseries -m 4096 -drive file=hdisk0.qcow2,if=none,id=drive-virtio-disk0 -device virtio-scsi-pci,id=scsi -device scsi-hd,drive=drive-virtio-disk0 -prom-env "boot-command=boot disk:" -net nic,macaddr=be:16:43:37:16:ec -net tap,script=no,ifname=tap0,downscript=no

- VNC connection to the AIX VM
When qemu is executed with the --daemonize option, it also creates a VNC session that you can connect to. By default the VNC session is started on only the loopback ( interface. In the sample command below, it is started on the primary interface of the Ubuntu host with the IP I can then use any VNC viewer such as tightvnc to connect to the VM's console using the Ubuntu hosts' public IP:
root@ip-172-31-23-252:/wip# /usr/local/bin/qemu-system-ppc64 -cpu POWER8 -machine pseries -m 4096 -drive file=/wip/hdisk0.qcow2,if=none,id=drive-virtio-disk0 -device virtio-scsi-pci,id=scsi -device scsi-hd,drive=drive-virtio-disk0 -prom-env "boot-command=boot disk:" -net nic,macaddr=be:16:43:37:16:ec -net tap,script=no,ifname=tap0,downscript=no --daemonize -vnc

Building Microsoft CBL-Mariner (Linux) ISO

NOTE: I was able to build the ISO on Ubuntu 20.04 as the work platform (I got lots of errors with Ubuntu 18.04)

The only guide that worked for me is: but I made some changes to the procedure (i.e., I built CBL-Mariner instead of CBL-MarinerDemo)

root@ub2004:/wip# add-apt-repository ppa:longsleep/golang-backports
root@ub2004:/wip# apt-get update
root@ub2004:/wip# apt -y install -y make tar wget curl rpm qemu-utils golang-1.15-go genisoimage python-minimal bison gawk
root@ub2004:/wip# apt -y install pigz
root@ub2004:/wip# ln -vsf /usr/lib/go-1.15/bin/go /usr/bin/go
root@ub2004:/wip# curl -fsSL -o
root@ub2004:/wip# sh
root@ub2004:/wip# usermod -aG docker $USER

root@ub2004:/wip# git clone
root@ub2004:/wip# pushd CBL-Mariner/toolkit
root@ub2004:/wip/CBL-Mariner/toolkit# git checkout 1.0-stable
root@ub2004:/wip/CBL-Mariner/toolkit# make package-toolkit REBUILD_TOOLS=y
root@ub2004:/wip/CBL-Mariner/toolkit# cd ..
root@ub2004:/wip/CBL-Mariner# cp out/toolkit-1.0.20210722.0141-x86_64.tar.gz .
root@ub2004:/wip/CBL-Mariner# tar -xzvf toolkit-*.tar.gz
root@ub2004:/wip/CBL-Mariner# cd toolkit/
root@ub2004:/wip/CBL-Mariner/toolkit# make iso REBUILD_TOOLS=y REBUILD_PACKAGES=n CONFIG_FILE=./imageconfigs/full.json

root@ub2004:/wip/CBL-Mariner/toolkit# du -sh /wip/CBL-Mariner/out/images/full/full-1.0.20210722.0200.iso

678M /wip/CBL-Mariner/out/images/full/full-1.0.20210722.0200.iso

I was able to install the ISO on VirtualBox.

You can follow the steps on this page to install the output ISO on VirtualBox:

VMWare OVFTools required to build OVA CBL-mariner images (VHDX, OVA/VMDK)

– download 64-bit Linux VMWare-tools from
# chmod a+x VMware-ovftool-4.4.1-16812187-lin.x86_64.bundle
# ./VMware-ovftool-4.4.1-16812187-lin.x86_64.bundle
(NOTE: “./VMware-ovftool-4.4.1-16812187-lin.x86_64.bundle –uninstall-product vmware-ovftool” to uninstall)

– # make image REBUILD_TOOLS=y REBUILD_PACKAGES=n CONFIG_FILE=./imageconfigs/core-ova.json
(builds OVA, VMDK, and VMX files in CBL-Mariner/out/images/ )

– # make image REBUILD_TOOLS=y REBUILD_PACKAGES=n CONFIG_FILE=./imageconfigs/core-efi.json
(builds a 381MB VHDX file in CBL-Mariner/out/images/core-efi/ )

NOTE: in the VMDK file, the password field for the root user in the /etc/shadow file is set to <NULL>. Which meant that after creating a VM with the VMDK, I couldn’t login after I booted up the CBL-Mariner. I had to slave the VMDK to another VM, in order to manually change the <NULL> to the encrypted value of a known password. Alternatively, you can use the VMware disk tool to mount the VMDK after generating it on the Ubuntu instance, and edited the /etc/shadow file. On the other hand, the username and password for the CBLMarinerDemo is mariner_user  and p@ssw0rd